july, 2017
21jul9:00 am5:00 pmQCDS Implant Fellowship (Session 2 of 4)
Event Details
Presenter: Dr. Robert Mikhli Date: July 21, 2017 (Friday) Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST Location: QCDS Headquarters, 86-90 188th Street, Jamaica NY Credits: 32 Meals: Breakfast & Lunch Course Schedule: Day 1 Morning session - Interactive
Event Details
Presenter: Dr. Robert Mikhli
Date: July 21, 2017 (Friday)
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST
Location: QCDS Headquarters, 86-90 188th Street, Jamaica NY
Credits: 32
Meals: Breakfast & Lunch
Course Schedule:
Day 1
Morning session – Interactive Lecture
- Biological basis of oral wound healing
- Principles of atraumatic extraction
- Socket preservation
Afternoon session
- Bone graft materials and membranes
- Guided Bone Regeneration
- Introduction to CBCT
Day 2
Morning session – Interactive lecture
- Introduction to Osseointegration
- History of Dental Implants
- Implant mechanics
- Treatment planning
Afternoon session – Hands on workshop
- Use of proximators in atraumatic extraction
- Use of bone graft materials in socket preservation
- Use of collagen membrane in Guided Bone
- Suture selection and techniques
Day 3
Morning session – Interactive lecture
- CBCT principles
- Radiation safety
- Review of head and neck anatomy
- Interpretation of CBCT scans
Afternoon session – Hands on workshop
(Bring laptop if possible)
- Mapping of critical anatomy
- Use of CBCT software
- Merge prosthetic plan with CBCT
- Prosthetically driven implant treatment planning
- Plan your upcoming cases
Day 4
Hands on laboratory (AM)
- Set up motor, handpiece, surgical kits
- Implant placement on models and carpine jaws
Afternoon session
- Q & A session
- Closing remarks
Day 5 and 6 – One on One IN office training
- Place 5 implants in your office on your patients
- IN office implant marketing strategies with your staff
- Dental assistant training in surgical assisting and sterilizations techniques
Course Description:
The INplant Surgical Mentorship Program was designed to give the general practitioner the knowledge, skill, and confidence to successfully integrate implant surgery into their practice. The didactic portion gives the practitioner the necessary biological basis for predictable clinical outcomes. The hands-on training develops proficiency in the surgical procedures. But the chair side mentorship is what gives the confidence necessary to actualize the skills gained into everyday practice.
Why INplant?
Looking at the plethora of implant courses available, most courses have you leave your practice for a number of days, sit through lectures, practice on plastic jaws, and go home. Others have you travel to third world countries and place 20 implants on patients with minimal to no planning. Returning from these courses, many colleagues have told us that they still lack the knowledge and confidence to start planning and placing implants in their practice the following Monday morning.
Return On Investment
Our system has had great success imparting the knowledge necessary, with the critical one on one guidance, to successfully integrate implant surgery into their practice. In order to facilitate this, we include 5 implants placed together in your office over 2 sessions in the course fee. The fees for these implants placed and restored in your office give a built in ROI.
Course Objectives:
Expand your implant surgery practice and increase the number and predictability of elective surgeries you perform by incorporating the fundamental sciences, patient evaluation and treatment planning protocols, case selection information, implant surgery techniques, extraction site management and ridge preservation procedures, soft tissue grafting, periodontal plastic surgery and bone grafting techniques for implant site development, universal aesthetic principles, aesthetic risk assessment information and evidenced based treatment protocols for selection and sequencing aesthetic implant site development procedures as well as avoiding and treating surgical and prosthetic implant complications that you will learn from the comprehensive presentation of this course.
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Understand fundamental science related to dental implant therapy.
- List components of successful implant consultation.
- Understand the benefits of using Cone Beam CT, digital treatment planning and guided implant surgery.
- List the components of an ideal implant surgery armamentarium and employ aseptic technique.
- Understand the technique of atraumatic extractions to preserve bone for immediate implant placement.
- Learn proper technique for socket preservation.
- Understand the armamentarium necessary for successful implant placement and how to properly utilize motor and handpieces for implant surgery.
- Understand proper surgical technique, proper suturing, and patient follow-up.
- Evaluate and treatment plan cases requiring tooth extraction and grafting for implant reconstruction.
- Recognize the parameters that influence the level of treatment difficulty and differentiate between straight forward, advanced and complex implant cases.
Presenter Biography:
Dr. Robert Mikhli is a graduate of SUNY Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine. He then completed a General Practice Residency at New York Hospital Queens and continued there for a Fellowship in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery/Implantology. He then went into private practice working with restorative doctors acting as their surgical branch and prosthetic consultant. He is also the founder of the INplant Implant Mentorship Program. Dr. Mikhli has a passion for teaching and integrating cutting edge technology to deliver the best clinical outcomes. He is a member of the ADA, AGD, ICIO and AAID. He maintains offices in Brooklyn, Cedarhurst, and Manhattan.
Pre-registration is required. To register, call us at (718) 454-8344 or click one of the buttons below.
ADA Members: $6,500
ADA Member staff: 200
Non-ADA Members: $8,500
Non-ADA Member staff: 300
(This fee covers all 4 live courses and the 2 in office training sessions)
A $15 late fee will be assigned to all who pay and/or register on the day of the event.
QCDS is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider approved by the NYSDA.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to ADA CERP at www.ada.org/cerp. IMPORTANT CE REMINDER FOR DENTISTS TAKING MCE COURSES In order to receive credit for NYS mandatory continuing education purposes, you must make sure that the entity sponsoring a continuing education course is approved to provide MCE credit by NYSDA, NYSED, ADA CERP, or AGD PACE. NYSDA approves only its thirteen component dental societies and the New York State Dental Foundation. Information regarding sponsors approved by NYSED is available from the New York State Education Department, State Board for Dentistry, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234-1000; phone 518-474-3817 ext. 550; fax 518-473-0567; or this site. A list of such sponsors approved by ADA CERP is available at www.ada.org/98.aspx. A list of such sponsors approved by AGD PACE is available at www.agd.org/education/pace/findaprovider/ If you are unsure whether a sponsor offering a continuing education program is approved, feel free to contact the Dental Board by phone at 518-474-3817, ext. 550 or by e-mail at dentbd@nysed.gov.
(Friday) 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST
QCDS Headquarters
86-90 188th Street, Jamaica NY